Windows 7 to 10 upgrade Failure 0x800f0955 - 0x20003

Tech.. another techie article.  Maybe I'll go back to weird, personal, hiking, adventuring or beer brewing (and drinking) again one day.  Fo...


요약 :

windows 7 에서 10으로 업글하고 싶을때 링크(로 들어가서 MediaCreationTool1903.exe 다운 받은 다음 실행시키는데 잘 안되는 경우가 있음.

windows 10 즉시 업글 - 1903 업데이트까지 한번에 모두 처리 시킬 경우 0x800f0955 - 0x20003 같은 에러가 뜸

두가지 작업을 해준다. 기존pc에서 실패한 업그레이드 연관 파일 모두 삭제와 설치USB만들기 (mediacreationTool1903.exe로)



아래와 같이 기존 pc의 windows 10 설치 관련 로그 및 캐싱관련된 파일을 모두 삭제한다. (디렉토리는 냅둔다)

숨김폴더가 있으니 탐색기에서 숨김파일 보이도록 할것.

* 아래 경로 내의 모든 파일을 삭제 (안지워지는건 SKIP) : ({UserNameDir}은 pc마다 이름이 다르겠지..)

1. C:\Users\{UserNameDir}\AppData\Local\Temp 내의 모든 파일 

2. C:\Users\{UserNameDir}\AppData\Local\Windows\WER\ReportArchive 내의 모든 파일

3. C:\Users\{UserNameDir}\AppData\Local\Windows\WER\ReportQueue내의 모든 파일

4. C:\Program Data\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive 내의 모든 파일

5. C:\Program Data\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue내의 모든 파일

6. 내PC - 로컬디스크(C:) 오른쪽클릭 - 속성 - 디스크 정리 - 스캔완료 - 모든 항목 선택 - 삭제.

7. 휴지통 비었는지 확인.



8G이상의 포맷된 USB에다가 위 링크에서 다운받은 실행파일을 통해서 USB에 설치 이미지 담은 다음

USB의 setup.exe를 실행시키고 뜨는 첫화면에서

1903 업데이트를 포함하지 않고 설치만 수행시킨다.

기존 파일 유지할건지, 모두 삭제할건지 옵션 선택은 본인 하고 싶은 대로.

경우에 따라 설치 66% ~ 67% 구간에서 많은 시간이 쓰일 수 있다. 인내심을 갖자.

win10 sharing data화면에서 나는 암것도 yes 안함.

설치 완료된 뒤 win10최신 업데이트 확인하고 수행한다.



Windows 7 to 10 upgrade Failure 0x800f0955 - 0x20003


Tech.. another techie article.  Maybe I'll go back to weird, personal, hiking, adventuring or beer brewing (and drinking) again one day.  For now, another pain in my ass with computers.  I do work with technology all day long.  Lots of different tech with servers and data centers, so I have a lot to bitch about.

This time, I've been trying to (free) upgrade windows 7 to windows 10. It seems to fail a lot.  Like fail, fail.

In a nutshell, running MediaCreationTool1809.exe (versions wil vary over time) from allows you to create windows 10 media; ISO file which can be burned to a DVD-ROM or USB drive.  You can also just upgraded right from the tool which will cache the install files on your hard drive (you need 8GB free but really 12 or so).

So, I take the easy route.  Run the media creation to and select to upgrade.  The process is pretty simple.  It download files, stages an upgrade, reboots, starts the upgrade, does some updates, fails, rolls back (very cleanly/safely every time).  The code I get is 0x800f0955 - 0x20003 and some Safe_OS and Updates message.  I use google university to find what the error means, do everything everyone suggests and it fails.

Having done this several times now and spent hours troubleshooting, I've come up empty.  If only the upgrade would log exactly what it is doing when it fails, maybe we would fix it.  But it doesn't and I can't get around that problem.  However, I've still been able to upgrade several systems.  All you do is...

First, do some cleanup of your Windows PC.  Necessary?  Probably not. Works every time I do?  Yup.

Ok, first, you will need to install from a USB drive.  Sorry. You need a 8GB drive.  These are cheap and easy to use.  So, get one, insert it into a USB slot and run the media creation tool to create the installer USB drive.  When you are all done, you can delete everything form the USB and have some portable storage. Note: Booting from USB can be slowwww on older systems or not using USB 3.0 flash drive. Like a couple hours slow. It was only a few minutes with USB 3.0 drive and interface.

You can click cleanup if you want and scroll down to see the EASY part. You should cleanup first though.

Cleanup.   Open Windows Explorer.  Navigate to C:\Users.  Double click the account name you log in as. e.g. c:\users\jomebrew\
Click in the address bar and add \appdata.  Looks like this c:\users\jomebrew\appdata.  press Enter

Open Local, then open Temp.  Now your address bar shows C:\Users\jomebrew\AppData\Local\Temp with your account name of course.

Select everything in this folder  Click inthe right panel and click Edit / Select All.
  Press the Delete key and click Yes.
  Skip any files that can't be deleted.

In the address bar, click Local

Open Microsoft, then open Windows then open WER.  Delete everything in ReportArchive and ReportQueue.  If they are empty, move on.

Open ReportArchive then select all and press delete key and yes

Click the left (back) arrow or WER from the address bar then open ReportQueue.  Select all and press the delete and then yes

On the address bar, click Local Disk (C:)

Click click in the address bar and add program data.  it will look like this C:\ProgramData
Open Microsoft, then open Windows then open WER.  Delete everything in ReportArchive and ReportQueue.  If they are empty, move on.
Open ReportArchive then select all and press delete key and yes

Click the left (back) arrow or WER from the address bar then open ReportQueue.  Select all and press the delete and then yes

On the address bar, click Local Disk (C:)

Open Windows then open Temp

Select All then press the Delete key and click Yes.
Skip any files that can't be deleted.

On the Address bar, click Computer
Locate Local Disk C:.  Right click on this and select Properties (or highlight it and select File / Properties) Same thing.

Click Disk Cleanup.  Let it scan and when done, select all the boxes

Click Delete then Delete files.  This can take a while but will finish.

Make sure recycle bin is empty.

The EASY Part
Now that things are clean, navigate to the USB drive. Double click Setup.exe.
This seems to be the important piece,  On the first screen it asks Get Updates and Optional Features.  Select Not Right Now.  Then click Next.

Now click the appropriate options to finish the install. That's it!

Once Windows 10 installs, I select No to all the sharing options presented during the configuration steps.  Be sure to apply latest updates once windows 10 is done installing.

Note:  the installer spends a lot of time at 66% and 67%.  Be patient.

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